EMSCULPT NEO: Advanced Fat Burning and Muscle Toning Technology

Nurtura Aesthetic and Wellness Jakarta are proud to be the first clinic in Asia Pacific to introduce EMSCULPT NEO, the revolutionary body-sculpting technology that has taken the world by storm. Enjoy EMSCULPT NEO slimming treatment in Jakarta right now!

Areas that can be treated:

  • Tummy

  • Arm

  • Thigh

  • Butt

  • Calves

Benefits of EMSCULPT NEO

  • Superior Fat Burning

      EmSculpt Neo's HIFEM+ and RF technology work together to target stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Say goodbye to unwanted inches and hello to a more sculpted and contoured physique!

  • Muscle Toning and Definition

      EMSCULPT NEO not only burns fat but also enhances muscle tone, helping you achieve a more athletic and sculpted appearance. It's like an intensive workout without the sweat and soreness!

  • Non-Invasive and Painless

      EMSCULPT NEO is a non-invasive treatment, meaning no incisions, needles, or downtime. Experience a comfortable and painless procedure while achieving impressive results!

Why Choose Nurtura Aesthetic & Wellness Jakarta

  • Leaders in EMSCULPT NEO Technology

      As the first clinic in the Asia Pacific to offer EMSCULPT NEO, we have extensive experience and expertise in delivering exceptional results. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality care and ensuring your satisfaction.

  • Personalized Consultations

      We believe in personalized care and conduct thorough consultations to understand your goals and design the most effective EMSCULPT NEO treatment plan for you!